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Diabetes - Causes and symptoms | what are the early symptoms of diabetes

Diabetes - Causes and symptoms | what are the early symptoms of diabetes

Diabetes is a very troublesome problem in today's context. It is a disease that increases blood sugar (glucose) levels. And if it is regularly at such a high level, you can suffer from many complications of diabetes. So it is important to know its symptoms.

Causes of diabetes?

We know that diabetes is a disease. But actually diabetes is abnormal blood sugar or glucose levels. The reasons for this can be divided into two categories. First, there is a hormone in our body called insulin that acts on glucose and regulates blood glucose levels. Second, when we eat or drink a lot, glucose enters our blood. In a normal body, insulin and glucose work together to maintain normal blood glucose levels. But in patients with diabetes, this process does not work properly or if it fails to work, the glucose level becomes high and becomes diabetes. DIabetes also depends on various risk factors.

What are the early symptoms of diabetes?

Symptoms of diabetes can be of various types. But some common symptoms are as follows:

Excessive urination and feeling thirsty all the time: If you have high blood sugar levels, your kidneys can work harder to filter and absorb glucose. It can make you urinate more often, which can make you feel thirsty. If you feel thirsty all the time despite drinking plenty of fluids, it could be a sign of diabetes.

Numbness or tingling in hands and feet: High blood sugar levels can damage the nerves in your hands and feet, causing numbness or tingling. This condition is called diabetic neuropathy and can be a serious complication of diabetes.

Blurred vision and eye problems: Diabetes can damage the blood vessels in your eyes, which can cause blurred vision and even blindness. Also, diabetes can increase your risk of developing cataracts and glaucoma.

Extreme fatigue and weakness: When your body cannot use glucose effectively for energy, you may feel extremely tired and weak. This can make even simple tasks difficult.

Slow healing of wounds and infections: High blood sugar levels can slow down your body's natural healing process. This means that wounds and infections can take longer to heal and are more prone to infection.

• Unexpected weight loss or gain: If you have unexplained weight loss, it could be a sign that your body is not using glucose effectively for energy. On the other hand, if you have unexplained weight gain, it could be a sign that your body is producing too much insulin.

Irritability and mood swings: Fluctuating blood sugar levels can affect your mood and lead to irritability, mood swings and difficulty concentrating.

Dry skin and frequent infections: High blood sugar levels can cause dry skin and increase the risk of skin infections.

Increased appetite and hunger: When your body can't use glucose effectively for energy, it can cause feelings of hunger and food cravings.

Erectile dysfunction (in men): Diabetes can damage the blood vessels and nerves that control erection, causing erectile dysfunction in men.

If you experience any of these symptoms, it's important to talk to your doctor. He or she can help you determine whether you have diabetes with various tests and appropriate treatment.

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